Hanging Up Your Sneaks Blog
Is Healthy Eating Cost Effective?
Even many out there, myself included, could be found guilty of the occasional dietary splurge, I think it’s safe to say that a good chunk of people at least aspire to be more health conscious when deciding what to eat. ...
June 11, 2018
Best Apps for Financial Management
As much as some may resent it, it becomes harder with each passing day, month, and year to deny the enormous part that technology plays in all of our daily lives. From getting a ride to finding a place to ...
June 4, 2018
BBQ’n on Memorial Day!
There’s no better way to spend a summer day outdoors than with your family and nothing better to do outdoors with family and friends then to have a barbecue and it’s no better time to barbecue then on Memorial Day ...
May 23, 2018
What is an ETF?
With the exception of the learned few (myself definitely not included) the ins and outs of the financial world, with its confusing jargon and its seemingly endless variety of stocks, bonds and any other type of investment that can be ...
February 26, 2018
Fly Eagles, Fly!
As of this writing, the National Football League has dwindled down to just two teams following the exciting conclusion of Championship Weekend, and (in case you’re unaware) the Birds are going to the Super Bowl LII!!! No big deal, right? ...
January 30, 2018
529 Changes
From small businesses to large families, a large percentage of the population is receiving at least some tax related benefits from the reforms set in place by the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, which was passed by House and Senate ...
January 9, 2018